Adapted and based on the ancient Hindu epic Ramayana, the series follows the journey of Prince Ram who goes to an exile of 14 years along with Sita and Lakshman. In that period Prince Rama and his brother Laxman set out to save Rama’s wife, Sita, who has been kidnapped by the demon king of Lanka Ravana.
Everyday 7:30pm
Crime Patrol
The series presents dramatized versions of crime cases that occurred in India. Series anchor, Anup Soni, suggests the correct measures to avert crimes while narrating real-life stories revolving around harassment, kidnapping, and murder. The series opens its viewers’ minds with these cases by making them aware of the crime around them.
Everyday 10pm
Everyday 7:30pm
Crime Patrol
Everyday 10pm
Nazara is a Hindi General Entertainment Channel that offers an array of shows in various genres keeping Indian ethos and values at the core. Launched in 2023, the channel aims to create content that will capture and celebrate the essence of India’s culture, values, and diverse traditions.
Nazara is a venture by the IN10 Media Network.
Ground Floor, Techweb Center, New Link Road,
Oshiwara, Jogeshwari (w),
Mumbai 400102, Maharashtra, India.